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Who Are We?

Our work started in the fall of 2011, first at (now offline) and then continued at until the present. As the founding editor based in Washington, DC, Yaxue Cao works with a team of writers, translators and researchers to produce original content. In this VOA interview, she relates the journey of China Change (in Chinese).

What Does China Change Do?

We translate and write about Chinese citizens’ struggle for basic rights, rule of law, and civil society, and bring this often-suppressed information to a global audience. We believe that a proper grasp of China’s changing political landscape and the nature of the communist rule is critical for the peace and security of the world.

Why Do You Do This?

Like the Chinese we translate and report on, we too feel it is a moral imperative to help China move towards being a democracy that respects universal values. We want the world to learn about, and understand, the ideas, work and sacrifices of these Chinese people, and what the authoritarian regime does to suppress dissent. In delivering this information, we wish to offer the world an indispensable public service.

What Has the Website Accomplished?

Despite its grassroots background, the website has become a major source in English for information about human rights, rule of law, and civil society in China. On major events such as the crackdown on the New Citizens’ Movement and the recent arrest of rights lawyers, we provide comprehensive information. The website has been widely complimented. Our posts have been cited or hyperlinked by numerous major media outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Time, The Guardian, and The Telegraph, to name a few. China Change has also been cited in Congressional reports.

Above all, China Change has been recognized as a singular website bringing to the world the unmediated voice of those on the forefront of the struggle for a free and just China, and telling their stories. A free and just China is not only important to China and its people; it’s vital to peace on earth.

Why Do We Need Your Help?

In the first two years, the website relied solely on a few people volunteering their time and talent. Since mid-2013, we have received a modest grant that has kept the work going. As the website has matured and its activities become more involved, it has come to require additional financial support to regularly produce high quality content. Just as the website is an enterprise of civic dedication, we particularly desire support from the public and take pride in being funded by ordinary citizens like you.

China Change is a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN 46-2665527), and your donation is tax-deductible.

How Your Donation Will Be Spent?

Your support will fund the translation, research, and writing of China Change, and occasionally necessary travel expenses.

Also Consider Giving to Humanitarian China

Although unaffiliated, China Change and Humanitarian China (also a 501(c)(3)) are sister organizations who share the same vision and whose work complements each other: Co-founded by Tiananmen student leader Zhou Fengsuo and based in the Bay Area, California, Humanitarian China has been providing financial support to political prisoners, their family members, and civil society activists in China since 2007. In the past year or so it has helped over 100 individuals or families, and organized three donation drives to help Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti, independent journalist Gao Yu, and more recently human rights lawyers. Please visit its home page and donation page.



我們的工作開始於2011年秋天。初始在 (已經下線), 後來轉移至目前的網站。網站由曹雅學女士主編,參與工作的人包括翻譯員和研究員。在這個美國之音中文訪談中,曹雅學談了網站創辦的歷程。





網站儘管來自草根公民背景,但已逐漸成為有關中國人權、法治與公民社會的主要英語信息來源之一。在重大事件上,如對新公民運動的鎮壓以及最近對維權律師的抓捕,網站提供了獨特而翔實的翻譯和報導。網站的工作受到了廣泛讚譽。我們的文章曾被許多媒體引用或鏈接,包括《 紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《時代》周刊、《衛報》、《電訊報》(僅舉幾例)以及美國國會報告。

網站在最初創立和成形的兩年,完全依靠編輯和幾個義工的自願付出。過去兩年我們在一個 grant 支持下維持工作。但是隨著網站的成熟和擴大,它需要更多的資助來生產高質量和相對充分的內容。正如這個網站是公民義務與努力的體現,我們尤其希望從普通公民中汲取支持,並深深以此為豪。

China Change 是一個美國聯邦非營利免稅機構 (EIN 46-2665527), 您的捐款在美國可以享受全額抵稅。



盡管相互獨立,China Change 和人道中國(也是聯邦非營利免稅機構)是姊妹機構,志同道合,工作互補。人道中國由六四學生領袖周鋒鎖與朋友共同創立,自2007年以來為中國的良心犯及其家人提供財政資助,也幫助一些公民社會的活動。過去一年來(2014至2015),人道中國幫助了一百多個個人和家庭,組織了三次募捐活動,幫助維吾爾學者伊力哈木∙土赫提、獨立記者高瑜、以及最近被抓捕的維權律師。請訪問人道中國中文首頁;訪問人道中國中英文捐款頁,您可以通過多種方式、包括匿名方式捐款。
