China’s official history part 2 – An earth-shattering event and delusions of grandeur

…Continued from part 1

An earth-shattering event 3.1

The imperialist powers invasion shattered China’s dream of learning from the West. The October Revolution in Russia sent Marxism to China and cause progressive Chinese to turn their attention from the West to the East, and from bourgeois democracy to socialism. The May 4th Movement furthered the spread of Marxism, and the working class appeared on the stage of history as an independent political force. The integration of Marxism with the workers movement gave  birth to the CPC. The founding of the CPC was an earth-shattering even that brought new vitality to the Chinese revolution.

Searching for a new path for the Chinese revolution 3.2

After its founding, the CPC relied on and mobilized workers and peasants, cooperated with the KMT, carried out the Northern Expedition against the Northern Warlords, and brought about an upsurge in the Great Revolution. Chiang Kai-shek and other KMT rightists betrayed the revolution, and the might Great Revolution ended in failure. The Chinese Communists under the leadership of Mao Zedong adopted the revolutionary course of surrounding the cities from the countryside and wresting political power by military force, and gradually created Mao Zedong Thought that integrates Marxism with the concrete realities of the Chinese revolution. During this period other strata of Chinese society put forward some ideas for how to save the nation, but they were not a solution to China’s fundamental problems.

The tower of strength in the people’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 3.3

In the 1930’s, the Japanese imperialists launched a war of invasion to subjugate China. With the nation in dire peril, the CPC proposed the formation of an anti-Japanese national united front based on cooperation between the CPC and KMT, and the CPC became the nation’s tower of strength in the war of resistance. After 14 years of bloody war, the Chinese people won their first victory in resisting and repelling the invasion of a foreign enemy in its modern history.

Struggling to create New China 3.4

After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China was faced with the historic decision of what course to take. The KMT faction under Chiang Kai-shek adhered to its reactionary policy of autocratic rule and civil war, and the CPC carried out a positive struggle for peace and democracy. After full-scale civil war broke out, the CPC led the people of the whole country in a revolutionary war against the counterrevolutionary forces and overthrew the reactionary KMT rule, winning the great victory of the new-democratic revolution.

The Chinese people have stood up 4.1

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the three big mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic-capitalism, which had long oppressed the Chinese people, were overthrown, and national independence, liberation of the people and the great unity of China’s ethnic groups were achieved, opening a new era in the history of the Chinese nation. In the early days of New China, the CPC led all the Chinese people in consolidating newly won state power, healing the wounds of war and creating the conditions for undertaking economic development on a massive scale.

Setting up the basic socialist system 4.2

Building socialism in China is the inevitable outcome of the course of modern Chinese history. The central collective leadership of the CPC, with comrade Mao Zedong at its core, led the people of all China’s ethnic groups on the road of socialist industrialization, innovatively completed socialist transformation, and put a basic socialist system in place. The victory of the new-democratic revolution and the creation of a basic socialist system provided the basic political conditions and institutional basis for all of contemporary China’s development and progress.

Setbacks and progress in the exploration of socialist construction 4.3

After the establishment of the socialist system, New China entered a period of socialist construction in all respects. The CPC led the people of all China’s ethnic groups to painstakingly explore the laws of socialist development, and clearly set forth the great goal of achieving the four modernizations. They developed their self-reliance and overcame hardships in the course of creating an independent and relatively comprehensive industrial system and economic system, which laid a crucial foundation of material and technology for socialist modernization.

Enhancement of China’s international standing and improvement of its international environment 4.4

New China adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace, broke the imperialist blockade, opposed hegemonism and power politics, strengthened its unity and cooperation with a vast number of developing countries, improved its relations with developed Western countries, resumed its rightful seat in the United Nations, strove to preserve world peace, and created a favorable external environment for domestic development.


One response to “China’s official history part 2 – An earth-shattering event and delusions of grandeur”

  1. […] that allowed reflection on logical chunks – The Opium war up to the founding of the Republic; The founding of the Party through the Mao years; and finally, 30 years of opening up. I wanted to wait to comment on the text until you all had had […]

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